Life and Adventures of Frank and Jesse James: The Infamous Western Outlaws

Joseph A. Dacus

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Beschreibung zu „Life and Adventures of Frank and Jesse James: The Infamous Western Outlaws“

This story describes the life and adventures of the American's most famous bandits that were a model for hundreds of westerns, books and movies. The book accounts for Frank and Jessy's most famous cases, such as the Russellville Bank robbery, the Gallatin Bank tragedy, the first attempts to arrest the boys, a series of train robberies, and the robbery of the Huntington Bank in Virginia followed by their rides to Mexico. Besides the account of their historically recorded events, the author gives many exciting insights into their personal lives, like finding love, marrying, and attempting to leave a peaceful life after the Civil War. In this book, the guys are portrayed as cruel criminals and fearless adventure seekers and opportunists.






ca. 243





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