History of Australian Bushranging 2

Charles White

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Beschreibung zu „History of Australian Bushranging 2“

In Charles White's 'History of Australian Bushranging 2,' readers are presented with a comprehensive exploration of the notorious outlaws and criminals that roamed the Australian bush in the 19th century. White's meticulous research and engaging narrative style bring to life the captivating stories of these infamous figures, examining their motivations, actions, and enduring legacy in Australian history. The book is a valuable contribution to the field of Australian literature, offering a unique perspective on the cultural and social context of bushranging. With a focus on historical accuracy and detailed analysis, White's work is a must-read for those interested in Australian history and true crime narratives. Charles White, an accomplished historian and expert on Australian bushranging, brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to this second volume of his series. His passion for the subject is evident in the thoroughness of his research and the clarity of his prose. Readers will find themselves engrossed in the fascinating world of bushrangers, gaining a deeper understanding of this intriguing period in Australian history. 'History of Australian Bushranging 2' is a compelling read that will appeal to history buffs, true crime enthusiasts, and anyone interested in the rich tapestry of Australian folklore.


Good Press




ca. 341





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