Report on State of the Colony of New South Wales

John Thomas Bigge

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Beschreibung zu „Report on State of the Colony of New South Wales“

John Thomas Bigge's 'Report on State of the Colony of New South Wales' is a detailed and insightful examination of the social, political, and economic conditions in the colony during the early 19th century. Written in a straightforward and impartial style, the book provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities facing the British settlement in Australia. Bigge's report sheds light on the complex interactions between the colonial administration, the indigenous population, and the convicts who formed the majority of the population. This work is a key primary source for historians studying the history of early colonial Australia. Bigge's meticulous attention to detail and his ability to critically analyze complex issues make this report an invaluable resource for those interested in colonial history. Readers will gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics that shaped the early years of British presence in Australia, as well as the lasting legacy of colonization in the region.


Good Press




ca. 509





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