The Cities of Refuge: or, The Name of Jesus

A Sunday book for the young

John R. Macduff

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Beschreibung zu „The Cities of Refuge: or, The Name of Jesus“

In 'The Cities of Refuge: or, The Name of Jesus' by John R. Macduff, the author delves into the Biblical concept of cities of refuge as depicted in the Old Testament and skillfully connects them to the person of Jesus Christ. Drawing upon his deep knowledge of Christian theology and scripture, Macduff explores the symbolic and spiritual significance of finding refuge in Jesus amidst life's trials and tribulations. The book is written in a poetic and reflective style, inviting readers to contemplate the profound themes presented. The parallels drawn between the cities of refuge and the redemptive work of Christ offer a unique perspective on faith and salvation. Throughout the book, Macduff expertly weaves together Biblical truths with heartfelt insights that resonate with believers and seekers alike. John R. Macduff, a Scottish theologian and author, was known for his profound spiritual insights and devotion to Christian ministry. His personal experiences and deep faith likely inspired him to write a book that emphasizes the importance of seeking refuge in Jesus. Macduff's scholarly approach and poetic gifts shine through in this work, making it a timeless exploration of faith and grace. For readers looking to deepen their understanding of Jesus as the ultimate refuge and source of salvation, 'The Cities of Refuge: or, The Name of Jesus' is a compelling and insightful read. Macduff's thoughtful reflections and Scriptural connections provide a rich resource for spiritual growth and contemplation.


Good Press




ca. 42





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