How to Live a Holy Life

Charles Ebert Orr

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Beschreibung zu „How to Live a Holy Life“

In Charles Ebert Orr's 'How to Live a Holy Life,' readers are taken on a profound journey through biblical principles and practical steps for living a life of holiness. Written in a clear and accessible style, Orr delves into the spiritual practices and mindset required to maintain a sanctified life in a world full of distractions and temptations. Drawing from scripture and personal experience, the book offers insightful reflections on the importance of prayer, faith, and obedience in achieving true holiness. Orr's writing is reminiscent of classic Christian literature, providing a timeless message that resonates with readers seeking a deeper spiritual connection. 'How to Live a Holy Life' stands out as a valuable guide for those looking to strengthen their relationship with God and live a life pleasing to Him.


Good Press




ca. 127





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