The Folded Paper Mystery

Hulbert Footner

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Beschreibung zu „The Folded Paper Mystery“

In Hulbert Footner's 'The Folded Paper Mystery,' readers are taken on a thrilling journey of suspense and intrigue as the protagonist, amateur detective Madame Storey, solves a mysterious case involving a folded paper found in a locked room. Footner's literary style is reminiscent of classic detective stories, with a focus on intricate plot details and clever sleuthing. Set in the early 20th century, the book provides a fascinating glimpse into the social norms and crime-solving techniques of the time. The unfolding of the mystery keeps readers engaged until the final revelation. Hulbert Footner, known for his detective fiction, drew inspiration from real-life cases and his own experiences to craft this compelling narrative. His expertise in crafting intricate puzzles and engaging characters shines through in 'The Folded Paper Mystery.' Fans of classic detective fiction and those interested in early 20th-century crime-solving will find this book a captivating read that showcases Footner's talent for storytelling.


Good Press




ca. 206





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