Pictured Puzzles and Word Play

A Companion to the Twentieth Century Standard Puzzle Book

A. Cyril Pearson

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Beschreibung zu „Pictured Puzzles and Word Play“

Cyril Pearson's 'Pictured Puzzles and Word Play' is a delightful collection of brain-teasing puzzles and games guaranteed to entertain and challenge readers of all ages. The book is a mix of visual puzzles, word riddles, and brain teasers that will engage the reader's mind and spark creativity. Pearson's entertaining and engaging writing style makes this book a perfect choice for those looking to exercise their mental agility. The puzzles in this book are carefully curated to offer a blend of fun and intellectual stimulation, making it a must-have for puzzle enthusiasts and lovers of word games. Readers will find themselves lost in a world of wordplay and visual challenges that will keep them entertained for hours on end.


Good Press




ca. 208





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