Peddler in Another World: I Can Go Back to My World Whenever I Want! Volume 3

Hiiro Shimotsuki


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Beschreibung zu „Peddler in Another World: I Can Go Back to My World Whenever I Want! Volume 3“

Ninoritch’s harvest festival has been a resounding success, but just as it’s wrapping up, Shiro gets accosted by a young woman claiming to be his grandmother—the very one who vanished years ago! Shiro’s not sure what to think at first, but he quickly realizes she’s telling the truth...even if she does look sixty years younger than how he remembers her.

Meanwhile, Karen has to trek to the capital to pay the town’s taxes to the lord of the region and attend his annual banquet. This proves a great source of anxiety for Ninoritch’s beautiful mayor. How in the world is she supposed to attend an exclusive high-society function when she has absolutely nothing to wear? Thankfully, Shiro’s there to save the day. For one night only, he’ll become her personal stylist and make sure she’s the most dazzling head-turner at the party!


J-Novel Club




ca. 181





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