Peddler in Another World: I Can Go Back to My World Whenever I Want! Volume 6

Hiiro Shimotsuki


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Beschreibung zu „Peddler in Another World: I Can Go Back to My World Whenever I Want! Volume 6“

On his return from the royal capital, Shiro learns that all is not well in Ninoritch. An encounter with the spirit of a loved one in the depths of some ruins has caused disquiet to spread among the adventurers of the Fairy’s Blessing guild, and unsurprisingly, all sorts of theories have been bandied about on the true nature of the apparition. This naturally piques Shiro’s curiosity, but he has little time to ponder the real meaning of this paranormal encounter before the town’s beautiful mayor, Karen, asks for his help with something urgent. Due to a variety of reasons—including Shiro’s burgeoning fame as a peddler—there is a major influx of people turning up in Ninoritch, and there isn’t anywhere near enough food, jobs, or houses in the little town to accommodate everyone. Between them, can Shiro and Karen find a solution to the problems caused by this sudden population explosion? And are people really able to meet loved ones who have passed on in these mysterious ruins?


J-Novel Club




ca. 176





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