The inquisition in the Spanish dependencies

Sicily—Naples—Sardinia—Milan—the Canaries—Mexico—Peru—New Granada

Henry Charles Lea

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Beschreibung zu „The inquisition in the Spanish dependencies“

Henry Charles Lea's 'The Inquisition in the Spanish Dependencies' is a meticulously researched and highly informative account that delves into the history and impact of the notorious Spanish Inquisition in territories beyond Spain itself. Lea's narrative is characterized by its detailed examination of primary sources and its scholarly analysis of the trials, tribulations, and consequences of this dark period in history. Through his compelling writing style, Lea provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the Inquisition's methods, targets, and lasting repercussions within the context of Spanish colonial rule. This book stands as a seminal work in the field of religious history, shedding light on a complex and often misunderstood institution. Scholarly, insightful, and engaging, 'The Inquisition in the Spanish Dependencies' is a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of religion, power, and colonialism.


Good Press




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