The Court of Philip IV.: Spain in Decadence

Martin A. S. Hume

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Beschreibung zu „The Court of Philip IV.: Spain in Decadence“

Martin A. S. Hume's 'The Court of Philip IV.: Spain in Decadence' delves into the decadent court of Philip IV of Spain, exploring the political intrigue and cultural decadence of 17th century Spain. Hume's writing style is meticulous and detailed, providing a thorough examination of the decline of Spanish power during this turbulent period in history. This book offers a valuable insight into the courtly life and power struggles of Philip IV's reign, shedding light on the downfall of a once powerful empire. Hume's historical analysis is a captivating blend of narrative storytelling and scholarly research, making 'The Court of Philip IV.: Spain in Decadence' an essential read for anyone interested in Spanish history and courtly politics of the early modern period. Martin A. S. Hume's expertise in Spanish history and his meticulous research make this book a must-read for history enthusiasts and scholars alike.


Good Press




ca. 456





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