Safar Nameh, Persian Pictures: A Book Of Travel

Gertrude Lowthian Bell

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Beschreibung zu „Safar Nameh, Persian Pictures: A Book Of Travel“

In 'Safar Nameh, Persian Pictures: A Book Of Travel' by Gertrude Lowthian Bell, readers are transported to the captivating landscapes of Persia through vivid descriptions that evoke a sense of adventure and discovery. Bell's literary style combines travelogue with personal reflection, offering readers both a glimpse into the exotic culture of Persia and a deeper understanding of the author's own experiences. The book is a valuable piece of literature that bridges the gap between Western and Eastern perspectives, making it an essential read for those interested in travel writing and cultural exploration. Bell's attention to detail and historical context enrich the narrative, providing readers with a well-rounded view of Persia during the early 20th century. Gertrude Lowthian Bell, known for her extensive travels and deep knowledge of the Middle East, brings a unique perspective to her writing in this book. Her passion for exploration and cultural immersion shines through in her carefully crafted prose, making 'Persian Pictures' a compelling and informative read for anyone interested in world travel and cross-cultural communication.


Good Press




ca. 125





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