Dynamic Armour

Dumping a great deal of energy into the penetrator, vaporizing it, or even turning it into a plasma, and significantly diffusing the attack

Fouad Sabry

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Beschreibung zu „Dynamic Armour“

What Is Dynamic Armour

Electric armour or electromagnetic armour is a type of reactive armour proposed for the protection of ships and armoured fighting vehicles from shaped charge and possibly kinetic weapons using a strong electric current, complementing or replacing conventional explosive reacting armour (ERA).

How You Will Benefit

(I) Insights, and validations about the following topics:

Chapter 1: Dynamic armour

Chapter 2: Reactive armour

Chapter 3: Active protection system

Chapter 4: Shaped charge

Chapter 5: Defence Science and Technology Laboratory

Chapter 6: Future Rapid Effect System

Chapter 7: Materials science

(II) Answering the public top questions about dynamic armour.

(III) Real world examples for the usage of dynamic armour in many fields.

(IV) 17 appendices to explain, briefly, 266 emerging technologies in each industry to have 360-degree full understanding of dynamic armour' technologies.

Who This Book Is For

Professionals, undergraduate and graduate students, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and those who want to go beyond basic knowledge or information for any kind of dynamic armour.


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