A Melody Called Peace

Una Melodia Chiamata Pace

Jeff Fleischer Ellias Aghili Dehnavi Professor Sam Fischer Dr. Ziauddin Sabouri Professor Willem Petrus Burger Sayed Abbas Mousavi Professor Paul John Amrod Negar Gorji Mohammadzadeh Moonchild Diva David Harrs

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Beschreibung zu „A Melody Called Peace“

We have experienced such enormous developments in different fields of science and technology, sending Space Shuttles to outer space and discovering the microscopic germs hidden in the textures of the elements; A Melody Called Peace is here to make such progresses in the very core of our hearts and to remind us once more that literature and art can bridge the souls of strangers and bless them with the sweet taste of peace and love.
This book is the result of a massive international collaboration between poets, authors and artists from different parts of the world who answered the invitation call of the messengers of peace and civilization, we, the authors and participants, believe that peace is the result of the reconciliation of the opposites and poetry - in its simple but rich form - and has the ability to convey the genuine and common concerns of all humankind living in different parts of the world while they hold different beliefs.
A Melody Called Peace, like a big and glamorous lantern, shines the light once more on the shadows which have tarnished the beloved peace; the melody of dozens of poets and authors will fondle the hearts of the residents of the world, reminding them of this famous phrase: Nil Desperandum!
And finally, Gloria in altissimis Deo et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis!






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