Adrift on the Pacific

A Boys [sic] Story of the Sea and its Perils

Edward Sylvester Ellis

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Beschreibung zu „Adrift on the Pacific“

In 'Adrift on the Pacific' by Edward Sylvester Ellis, readers are immersed in a gripping tale of survival and adventure on the vast ocean. Ellis' descriptive and engaging writing style captures the journey of the protagonist as he navigates the challenges of being lost at sea. The book is a classic example of American adventure literature, showcasing themes of resilience, resourcefulness, and the power of the human spirit in the face of adversity. The vivid imagery and intense plot keep readers hooked from beginning to end, creating a truly immersive reading experience. Edward Sylvester Ellis was a prolific American author known for his works in the adventure and juvenile fiction genres. His background as a teacher and journalist likely influenced his storytelling and character development in 'Adrift on the Pacific'. Ellis's expertise in crafting thrilling narratives shines through in this novel, making it a must-read for fans of classic adventure literature and maritime tales. For readers seeking a captivating and suspenseful story of survival and bravery, 'Adrift on the Pacific' is a compelling choice. Edward Sylvester Ellis's masterful storytelling and vivid depiction of the challenges of the sea make this book a timeless classic that will leave a lasting impact on those who delve into its pages.


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