The Trial Trip of the Flying Cloud

J.R. Orton

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Beschreibung zu „The Trial Trip of the Flying Cloud“

J.R. Orton's 'The Trial Trip of the Flying Cloud' is a captivating tale of adventure and exploration set in the golden age of sailing. With vivid descriptions of the high seas and the challenges faced by the crew, Orton transports readers to a bygone era with his engaging narrative style. The book is filled with intricate details about life aboard a 19th-century clipper ship, making it a valuable piece of historical fiction. Orton's attention to detail and his ability to weave together a compelling story make this book a classic in nautical literature. Fans of maritime adventures will find themselves lost in the pages of 'The Trial Trip of the Flying Cloud' as they follow the crew's journey across the ocean. J.R. Orton's expertise in maritime history shines through in this meticulously researched and expertly crafted novel, making it a must-read for anyone interested in the seafaring world.


Good Press




ca. 29





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