About Bulgarian Barbarity (minuses, yet also pluses)

Chris Myrski

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Beschreibung zu „About Bulgarian Barbarity (minuses, yet also pluses)“

In English. Contents | 0. Introduction and definition | 1. Historical proofs and climatic excuses | 2. Democratic propagation of barbarity | 3. Comparisons with other countries | 4. Civilized inhumanity | 5. Civilized barbarity | 6. Conclusive explanations | APPENDIX: Tribute To … Barbarity | | And a bit from 0. Introduction and definition | To tell you the truth, I have thought about writing of this essay for about 5 years or so, but have never managed to come to it because there were all the time some more important things to do first, and this idea was shifted to the back of the stack. I have done this because for me, as also, I suppose, for every intelligent Bulgarian — not that there are many such persons, but probably a pair of thousands could have been gathered together by some thorough search — is, or must be, obvious that we are, /unquestionably/, barbarians, yet, not only that, if you could excuse me now, the own … excrements do not smell, but there are also some /unbelievable pluses/ of this situation, and some barbarians, i.e. we, the Bulgarians at least, are in several aspects /preferable/ before some of the most civilized countries! Yeah, really, neither the Devil (for He is /Deo/ evil/, after all, He must be capitalized) is so black as He is pictured, nor (I’ll tell you, but I suppose that everyone in his heart suspects this) the very God is so good like we would have wished Him to be. | So that the things are, for one thing, obvious, but, for another thing, misunderstood, and, for one more thing, must not be kept hidden in the heads of some gone ahead of their time thinkers, they must be made known to the people (all around the world). Because of this I am doing this now, yet I must confess that I have long ago forgotten my initial ideas, or some of them have turned to be difficult to be done, but it is better to produce /one/ version of my ideas than no one at all. Still, these are only excuses, and if you all take for granted that with the years I continue to become more and more intelligent — though this is hardly possible, ha, ha, so that look at these my words like at a figure of speech —, then this current version will be in no case worse than the initially considered by me; having in mind also that there are no previous versions preserved you can as well take this my work (too) as second to none, right? | Etc. … |


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