Fantasy In Ety Mol (on theme of genders and sexes)

Chris Myrski

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Beschreibung zu „Fantasy In Ety Mol (on theme of genders and sexes)“

From the Introduction | There is nothing new under the Sun, except the /form/ of the old things, and here and there some new /details/, you know this, I suppose. Still, the form can be something pretty catching (the eye) sometimes, and the details quite often make the dance. With what I mean that I have explained almost everything in my enormous “Urrh” (cum commentis), then I have for a second time given expression of my unique — you bet it — ideas in my “Letters” (to the posterity), but the good thing of well designed work is that when new ideas arise they fit well in the picture, they don’t reject the core but enrich it. ... | The plan of narration will be roughly the following. In this beginning “movement” I will provide you with some basics for the further points making you familiar with the way I will give all foreign words, because the English language is nearly the worst of all other langs (and I will begin also to make some shortenings of often repeated words). I have begun to give a thought … . Yet my early ideas concerned a world-wide alphabet, while here I will use one later idea of mine, the so named “Myrski’s English Transliteration” (METr), for using the old Lat. (for Latin; like also, say, Fr. for French, Eng. for English, Sl. for Slavonic, Bul. for Bulgarian, Skr. for Sanskrit, etc.) alph. (for alphabet), and surely not only for the Eng. lang. | Then in the second movement, which has number 1, I will dwell about the grammatical genders, what is good and bad in them, and how they have to be used if we want to approach the things logically. … In the next movement I will add smt. (for something, I, at least, use this word pretty often) about the fem. and masc. (obvious shortenings) beings, which theme I will treat in more details in the part number 4; here will be focused chiefly on the pronouns, diminutives and some words for fem. professions, which reveal unexpected funny (not to say cynical) ideas. In the part number 3 I will explain the various sexual organs in various (several) langs, where are hidden quite interesting ideas, which are piquant enough to be mentioned … In the fifth movement (with number 4) I will make some philosophical observations about both sexes, which are … too important to be known by everybody, what they are not. And in the last part I will share with you my recent guesses in the old man- root (or syl. for syllable) where appear some funny moment, suitable for the final accords of this my Fantasy. | etc …


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