That Stick

Charlotte M. Yonge

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Beschreibung zu „That Stick“

Charlotte M. Yonge's book 'That Stick' is a thought-provoking novel written in a traditional Victorian literary style. Set against the backdrop of rural England, the story follows the challenges faced by the protagonist, including themes of family dynamics, social class, and personal growth. Yonge's attention to detail and rich character development immerse the reader in a world filled with moral dilemmas and societal expectations, making it a compelling read for those interested in 19th-century British literature. The language used is reflective of the era, adding to the authenticity of the narrative. Charlotte M. Yonge, a prolific English author, drew inspiration from her devout Anglican faith and interest in promoting moral values in her writing. Her strong religious convictions are evident in the moral lessons woven throughout 'That Stick,' highlighting the importance of integrity and kindness in facing life's challenges. Yonge's background as a teacher and her involvement in charitable work also influenced her portrayal of social issues in the book. I highly recommend 'That Stick' to readers who enjoy classic literature that delves into moral complexities and societal norms. Charlotte M. Yonge's insightful storytelling and profound themes make this novel a valuable addition to any literary collection, offering a glimpse into the moral and ethical dilemmas of the Victorian era.


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