The Two Sides of the Shield

Charlotte M. Yonge

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Beschreibung zu „The Two Sides of the Shield“

In Charlotte M. Yonge's novel 'The Two Sides of the Shield', readers are immersed in a tale of romance, tragedy, and social commentary set in the 19th century. The literary style is characterized by detailed descriptions, complex character development, and a strong sense of morality that reflects the Victorian era. The novel delves into themes of duty, honor, and societal expectations, making it a compelling read for those interested in historical fiction. Yonge's prose is eloquent and evocative, transporting readers to a bygone era filled with intricate plots and heartfelt emotions. The juxtaposition of the two main characters' perspectives serves as a poignant reflection of the dualities and complexities of human nature. Overall, 'The Two Sides of the Shield' is a captivating work that offers valuable insights into the cultural and moral values of the time.


Good Press




ca. 296





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