The Ancien Régime

Charles Kingsley

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Beschreibung zu „The Ancien Régime“

Charles Kingsley's 'The Ancien Régime' offers a comprehensive analysis of the political and social structure of pre-revolutionary France. Through a combination of historical insights and fictional narratives, Kingsley vividly depicts the decadence and corruption of the French monarchy, leading up to the French Revolution. The book is characterized by Kingsley's eloquent prose and meticulous attention to detail, providing readers with a vivid portrait of a pivotal period in European history. The Ancien Régime serves as both an informative historical account and a poignant commentary on the consequences of unchecked power and inequality. Kingsley's narrative style is engaging and accessible, making this book a valuable resource for both scholars and general readers interested in the history of France and the origins of modern democracy. A prolific writer and social reformer, Charles Kingsley's work often focused on issues of social justice and humanism. His experiences as a clergyman and educator influenced his perspectives on politics and society, shaping his critical analysis of the Ancien Régime. Kingsley's unique blend of historical storytelling and moral reflection sets 'The Ancien Régime' apart as a timeless and thought-provoking work that continues to resonate with contemporary audiences. I highly recommend this book to any reader seeking a deeper understanding of the complexities of pre-revolutionary France and the enduring legacies of the Enlightenment.


Good Press




ca. 83





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