The Vanishing of Betty Varian

Carolyn Wells

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Beschreibung zu „The Vanishing of Betty Varian“

Carolyn Wells' 'The Vanishing of Betty Varian' is a gripping mystery novel that showcases the author's talent for blending suspense with a touch of humor. Set in the early 20th century, the book follows amateur detective Pennington Wise as he investigates the disappearance of the enigmatic Betty Varian. Wells' clever use of red herrings and plot twists keeps readers on the edge of their seats, making it a classic example of the Golden Age detective fiction genre. Her witty dialogue and sharp characterizations add depth to the narrative, making it an engaging read for fans of mystery novels. The book's intricate plot and well-developed characters make it a standout in Wells' extensive body of work.'The Vanishing of Betty Varian' is a testament to Wells' skill as a storyteller and her ability to create captivating mysteries that stand the test of time. Mystery enthusiasts and fans of classic detective fiction will delight in this cleverly crafted whodunit.


Good Press




ca. 186





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