Among the Millet and Other Poems

Archibald Lampman

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Beschreibung zu „Among the Millet and Other Poems“

Archibald Lampman's collection of poetry, 'Among the Millet and Other Poems', is a masterpiece that delves into themes of nature, beauty, and the human experience. Lampman's use of vivid imagery and romantic language creates a serene and contemplative reading experience for the audience. Written during the late 19th century, this collection exemplifies the transition from Romanticism to the modernist movement in Canadian literature. The poems in this collection are imbued with a sense of longing and nostalgia, as Lampman reflects on the fleeting beauty of nature and life. Archibald Lampman, a Canadian poet known for his descriptive and lyrical style, drew inspiration from his deep connection to the Canadian landscape. His love for nature and his keen observation skills are evident in his poetry. Lampman's personal struggles and the challenges he faced in his own life likely informed the introspective and melancholic tone present in 'Among the Millet and Other Poems'. I highly recommend 'Among the Millet and Other Poems' to readers who appreciate timeless poetry that explores the complexities of human emotion and the natural world. Lampman's work is a poignant reminder of the beauty and fragility of life, making it a must-read for poetry enthusiasts.


Good Press




ca. 78





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