The World English Bible (WEB): 2 Corinthians

A Fresh and Accessible Translation of Paul's Second Letter


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Beschreibung zu „The World English Bible (WEB): 2 Corinthians“

The World English Bible (WEB): 2 Corinthians is a significant addition to the field of biblical literature, providing readers with a fresh translation of the second letter of Paul to the Corinthians. The book retains the essence of the original text while making it accessible to modern English-speaking audiences. Written in a clear and straightforward style, the WEB translation offers a faithful rendition of the biblical text, making it a valuable resource for scholars, students, and readers interested in exploring the teachings of the Apostle Paul. The literary context of 2 Corinthians is expertly presented, shedding light on its historical and theological significance. The comprehensive footnotes and annotations further enhance the reader's understanding of the text, making it an indispensable tool for biblical study. Author Anonymous brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to this translation, ensuring that readers receive a reliable and well-researched interpretation of the scripture. The author's commitment to accuracy and clarity is evident throughout the book, making it a trustworthy resource for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of 2 Corinthians. I highly recommend The World English Bible (WEB): 2 Corinthians to readers who are looking for a faithful and accessible translation of this important biblical text.


Good Press




ca. 18





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