The Complete Ketogenic Diet for Beginners

100 Low-Carb, High-Fat Recipes For Weight Loss and Healthy Living (Ketogenic Pressure Cooker Cookbook)

Aldo Deandre

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Beschreibung zu „The Complete Ketogenic Diet for Beginners“

The ketogenic diet is a low carb high fat diet that is strategically designed to help your body burn off fat rapidly. Your body becomes a fat burning machine. The ketogenic lifestyle gives you the
opportunity to be healthy, lose weight, be happy and live long. Preparing delicious, wholesome and healthy meals is made easy when you make use of an electric pressure cooker. It ensures that
breakfast, lunch, dinner and many other ketogenic meals are prepared on time.

This book addresses all you need to know about the ketogenic diet, your body and becoming keto-adapted; it is a one stop guide to the ketogenic lifestyle. This ketogenic cookbook contains 100 easy
and effect ketogenic diet recipes with boundless options to sustain you in the state of ketosis. For easier reading, each recipe has been sub-categorized into categories such as: Beef And Lamb
Recipes, Chicken & Turkey Recipes, Pork Recipes, Soups & Chili Recipe, Side Dishes, Veggie Recipes and more.

The ketogenic diet will help you lose that fat, live healthy and enjoy life maximally.






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