Piece Goods Manual

Fabrics described; textile, knit goods, weaving terms, etc., explained; with notes on the classification of samples

A. E. Blanco

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Beschreibung zu „Piece Goods Manual“

A. E. Blanco's 'Piece Goods Manual' is a meticulously crafted exploration of textile history, manufacturing processes, and the impact of globalization on the industry. Blanco's writing style is informative and detailed, providing in-depth analysis of different types of fabrics, their origins, and uses in a variety of industries. The book also delves into the cultural significance of textiles and their role in shaping societies throughout history. With a blend of historical research and practical information, 'Piece Goods Manual' is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the textile industry. Blanco's attention to detail and passion for the subject shine through in every page, making this book a must-read for scholars and enthusiasts alike. A. E. Blanco's expertise in textiles and dedication to preserving the legacy of this ancient craft make 'Piece Goods Manual' a fascinating and enlightening read.


Good Press




ca. 144





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