Elizabeth Fry

Emma Raymond Pitman

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Beschreibung zu „Elizabeth Fry“

In 'Elizabeth Fry' by Emma Raymond Pitman, readers are presented with a detailed and scholarly account of the life and work of the influential Quaker prison reformer, Elizabeth Fry. Pitman's book meticulously explores Fry's contributions to prison reform in nineteenth-century England, shedding light on her tireless efforts in improving the conditions of prisoners and advocating for their rights. The book is written in a clear and engaging style, making it accessible to both scholars and general readers interested in social reform and women's history. Pitman provides a rich literary context, highlighting Fry's significance in the broader landscape of social reform movements of the time. By delving into Fry's personal experiences and motivations, the author paints a comprehensive portrait of this remarkable woman and her enduring legacy. Emma Raymond Pitman's thoughtful exploration of Elizabeth Fry's life and work in this book makes it a must-read for anyone interested in the history of social reform, women's rights, and the intersection of philanthropy and activism.


Good Press




ca. 176





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