The Sagamore of Saco

Elizabeth Oakes Prince Smith

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Beschreibung zu „The Sagamore of Saco“

In her novel 'The Sagamore of Saco', Elizabeth Oakes Prince Smith delves into the historical events surrounding the Puritan settlement in New England and the interactions between the settlers and the Native American tribes. Written in a descriptive and engaging style, Smith creates a vivid portrayal of the tensions and friendships that developed in this tumultuous time period. The novel offers a unique insight into the cultural clashes and misunderstandings that occurred, shedding light on both the hardships and the moments of unity that emerged. The literary context of the book reflects the Romantic era fascination with the exotic and the unfamiliar, adding depth to the story. Smith's attention to detail and nuanced characterizations make 'The Sagamore of Saco' a compelling read for those interested in early American history and intercultural relationships.


Good Press




ca. 136





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