History of Founding of New England

James Truslow Adams

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Beschreibung zu „History of Founding of New England“

This Pulitzer Prize awarded history interrogates the discovery and first settlement of the region; the genesis of the religious and political ideas which there took root and flourished; the geographic and other factors which shaped its economic development; the beginnings of that English overseas empire, of which it formed a part; and the early formulation of thought-on both sides of the Atlantic-regarding imperial problems.
The American Background
Staking Out Claims
The Race for Empire
Some Aspects of Puritanism
The First Permanent Settlement
New England and the Great Migration
An English Opposition Becomes a New England Oligarchy
The Growth of a Frontier
Attempts to Unify New England
Cross-Currents in the Confederacy
The Defeat of the Theocracy
The Theory of Empire
The Reassertion of Imperial Control
The Inevitable Conflict
Loss of the Massachusetts Charter
An Experiment in Administration
The New Order


Musaicum Books




ca. 497





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