The Magical Ritual of the Sanctum Regnum

Eliphas Levi William Wynn Westcott

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Beschreibung zu „The Magical Ritual of the Sanctum Regnum“

The Magical Ritual of the Sanctum Regnum is a unique guide into the world of tarot. Within 22 chapters readers will find out the true meaning of each of the twenty-two tarot trumps. Every chapter is enriched with a brief editor's note describing the card's iconography and summarising interpretations. Finally, the book ends with Kabbalistic prayers and rituals, praise of Jesus Christ.

Über Eliphas Levi

Alphonse Louis Constant, better know by his pen name Eliphas Levi, was a master of the traditional Rosicrucian interpretation of the Kabbalah. He was born in France in 1810, and through the offices of the parish priest, was educated for the church at Saint-Sulpice. He was later expelled from seminary for teaching doctrines contrary to those of the Roman Catholic Church. In 1824 Levi began studying the occult sciences, and wrote about magic and the Kabbalah for the next three decades. His other books include Transcendental Magic, Mysteries of the Qabalah, and The Book of Splendours.






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