Phallic Worship

Hargrave Jennings

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Beschreibung zu „Phallic Worship“

In 'Phallic Worship' by Hargrave Jennings, the author delves into the ancient practice of phallic worship, exploring its significance in various civilizations and religions throughout history. Jennings intricately analyzes the symbolism and rituals associated with phallic imagery, shedding light on its cultural, spiritual, and societal implications. With a meticulous attention to detail and a scholarly approach, the book offers a profound insight into this intriguing aspect of human culture, making it essential reading for those interested in religious studies, anthropology, and cultural history. Hargrave Jennings was a 19th-century author and researcher known for his studies on esoteric and occult subjects. His background in Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism greatly influenced his writings, including 'Phallic Worship', where his expertise in symbolism and mysticism is evident. Jennings' unique perspective and extensive research provide a comprehensive exploration of phallic worship, making this book a valuable resource for scholars and enthusiasts alike. I highly recommend 'Phallic Worship' to readers looking to deepen their understanding of ancient religious practices and symbolism. Jennings' scholarly approach and insightful analysis make this book a fascinating read for anyone interested in the intersection of religion, culture, and symbolism.


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