A History of Ireland and Her People

Eleanor Hull

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Beschreibung zu „A History of Ireland and Her People“

A History of Ireland and Her People is a historic work by Eleanor Hull. Hull was a writer, journalist and scholar of Old Irish. Excerpt: "Old Matthew Paris writes: "The case of historical writers is hard; for if they tell the truth they provoke men, and if they write what is false, they offend God." Of all histories this dictum is perhaps most true of Irish history, which has been studied rather in terms of present-day political issues than in terms of actual retrospect. The most urgent of these political issues having been, up to a recent moment, the relations of England toward Ireland, this part of the history has to a certain extent, though often with much prejudice, been dealt with by all writers on Ireland; but the conditions of the country under native rule have been much more inadequately studied."






ca. 1036





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