Sagittulae, Random Verses

Edward Woodley Bowling

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Beschreibung zu „Sagittulae, Random Verses“

Edward Woodley Bowling's 'Sagittulae, Random Verses' is a collection of thought-provoking and introspective poetry that delves into the human experience. The verses explore themes of love, loss, and the passage of time, with a unique blend of melancholy and hope. Bowling's literary style is marked by his use of vivid imagery and lyrical language, drawing readers into a world of emotional depth and complexity. The poems in this collection speak to the universal truths of the human condition, inviting readers to reflect on their own lives and relationships. Edward Woodley Bowling, a poet and writer known for his introspective and philosophical works, is deeply attuned to the complexities of human emotion. His background in psychology and philosophy lends a depth to his poetry that resonates with readers on a profound level. Bowling's keen insight into the human psyche and his ability to capture the nuances of existence make 'Sagittulae, Random Verses' a compelling and captivating read for poetry enthusiasts and literary scholars alike. I recommend 'Sagittulae, Random Verses' to anyone looking for a profound and introspective exploration of the human experience. Bowling's poetry is both emotive and enlightening, offering readers a chance to engage with timeless themes in a fresh and compelling way.


Good Press




ca. 72





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