The Elegies of Tibullus

Being the Consolations of a Roman Lover Done in English Verse


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Beschreibung zu „The Elegies of Tibullus“

Tibullus' 'The Elegies of Tibullus' is a collection of elegiac poetry that explores themes of love, loss, and the passage of time. Written in the Augustan era, the poetry showcases Tibullus' mastery of the elegiac form, with its intimate and emotional tone. The imagery and language used in the elegies evoke a sense of longing and melancholy, making it a quintessential work of Roman love elegy. With its delicate verses and poignant themes, 'The Elegies of Tibullus' is a timeless masterpiece that continues to captivate readers today. Tibullus, a contemporary of Ovid and Propertius, drew inspiration from his own experiences and emotions to create his elegiac poetry. His work is characterized by its heartfelt expressions of love and deep connections with the natural world. Tibullus' intimate style and emotional depth have solidified his place as one of the most prominent figures in Roman elegiac poetry. I highly recommend 'The Elegies of Tibullus' to readers who appreciate classical literature and poetry. Tibullus' elegies offer a profound exploration of love and loss, making this collection a must-read for those interested in Roman poetry and the themes of passion and emotion.


Good Press




ca. 53





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