One Day in December

Wilfred Owen, The Bombardment and Scarborough in the First World War

David Lewis Len Friskney

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Beschreibung zu „One Day in December“

In 'One Day in December', Scarborough based author D.B. Lewis, working together with local Wilfred Owen historian, Len Friskney, has linked together various aspects of the First World War as they affected this North Yorkshire seaside resort. The book covers 'The Bombardment of Scarborough' in December 1914, the war poetry of Wilfred Owen written during his time in the town, and the effects of the war on the local people. The book contains chapters on the production of community theatre based on these topics which is suitable for use by schools and youth groups together with a chapter on the legacy of Wilfred Owen in the dialogue for peace. Using new material the book is a fascinating look at this era of Scarborough's history and a strong testimony for the cause of international concord.






ca. 114





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