American Prisoners of the Revolution

Danske Dandridge

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Beschreibung zu „American Prisoners of the Revolution“

Danske Dandridge's 'American Prisoners of the Revolution' is a compelling and meticulously researched account of the experiences of American prisoners during the Revolutionary War. Dandridge delves deep into the historical context, providing vivid descriptions of the harsh conditions and struggles faced by these prisoners. The book is written in a straightforward yet engaging style, making it accessible to both scholars and general readers interested in this pivotal period of American history. Dandridge's narrative skillfully weaves together individual stories of resilience and survival, offering a profound insight into the human cost of war. This book stands out for its attention to detail and insightful analysis of the psychological and emotional toll of captivity during the Revolution. Danske Dandridge, a respected historian and poet, brings a unique perspective to this overlooked aspect of the war, drawing on primary sources and personal accounts to bring the experiences of these prisoners to life. 'American Prisoners of the Revolution' is a must-read for anyone interested in the human stories behind the broader historical events of the Revolutionary War, offering a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made for the cause of American independence.


Good Press




ca. 432





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