The Drowning Summer

Christine Lynn Herman


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Beschreibung zu „The Drowning Summer“

A gorgeously atmospheric contemporary fantasy of two Long Island teens and fledgling mediums investigating a murder in their small town by the New York Times bestselling author of The Devouring Gray.
Mina Zanetti is a fledgling medium, desperate to share in her mother's world and speak with the dead. But Sand Dollar Cove is a grieving town, still recovering from the unsolved murders of three teenagers six years ago, found with sand dollars on their eyes. And Evelyn Mackenzie has felt every day of it, as the town blames her father for the deaths.
When Mina and Evelyn conduct a ritual to speak to the dead they unwittingly become the centre of a deadly triangle – who murdered those teenagers, Mina's family and their hidden past, and the furies of the spirit realm.
Mina And Evelyn must learn to rebuild their trust, and unearth all the buried mysteries of Sand Dollar Cove to lay the ghosts of The Drowning Summer to rest.


Titan Books




ca. 283





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