Love Works Wonders

A Novel

Charlotte M. Brame

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Beschreibung zu „Love Works Wonders“

In 'Love Works Wonders' by Charlotte M. Brame, the reader is transported into the intricacies of Victorian romance and societal expectations. The book follows the tumultuous love story between the upper-class protagonist and a commoner, highlighting the challenges of class divisions and societal norms. Brame's writing style is characterized by her vivid descriptions and heartfelt dialogue, capturing the emotions and struggles of her characters. This romantic novel is a perfect example of Victorian sentimental literature, providing insight into the ideals and values of the time period. Charlotte M. Brame, a prolific Victorian era writer, drew inspiration from her own experiences and observations of societal norms. Her keen understanding of human emotions and romantic relationships shines through in 'Love Works Wonders,' making it a timeless classic in the realm of Victorian romance novels. Brame's ability to articulate the complexities of love and class distinctions sets her apart as a compelling storyteller of her time. I highly recommend 'Love Works Wonders' to readers who enjoy classic romance novels with a touch of Victorian charm. Brame's eloquent prose and engaging storytelling will captivate anyone looking for a timeless tale of love overcoming societal barriers.


Good Press




ca. 219





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