Jessica, the Heiress

Evelyn Raymond

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Beschreibung zu „Jessica, the Heiress“

In Evelyn Raymond's 'Jessica, the Heiress', readers are transported to the glamorous setting of upper-class society in the early 20th century. The novel follows the story of Jessica, a young heiress navigating the treacherous waters of love, betrayal, and family secrets. Raymond's writing is filled with rich descriptions and intricate character development, reminiscent of the romantic drama novels of the time period. The author skillfully weaves together themes of class struggle, morality, and the complexities of human relationships. The narrative is engaging and keeps readers on the edge of their seats as Jessica's fate unfolds. 'Jessica, the Heiress' is a captivating blend of romance and intrigue, making it a must-read for fans of historical fiction and classic literature. Evelyn Raymond's own background in upper-class society likely informed her writing, adding depth and authenticity to the novel's portrayal of the era.


Good Press




ca. 165





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