La Bella Durmiente

Charles Perrault

Kinder- & Jugendbücher Spanische Hörbücher

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Beschreibung zu „La Bella Durmiente“

La bella durmiente relata la historia de una hermosa princesa que cae bajo el maleficio de un hada malvada que no ha sido invitada a una fiesta en el palacio. Sólo un príncipe, cien años después, será quien encuentre el palacio y rompa ese hechizo que mantenía dormido a todo un reino.

Über Charles Perrault

The father of the fairy tale as we know it today, 17th-century French author Charles Perrault dedicated the latter part of his life to the betterment and education of his (and all) children through tales of morality. The stories he left behind have since become the cornerstone of fiction and iconic of the fairy tale genre as a whole. From 'Little Red Riding Hood' to 'Puss in Boots', his tales are as essential to the modern consciousness as the very themes they explore.

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Staff Audiolibros Colección


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24 Min.





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