True Words for Brave Men: A Book for Soldiers' and Sailors' Libraries

Charles Kingsley

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Beschreibung zu „True Words for Brave Men: A Book for Soldiers' and Sailors' Libraries“

Charles Kingsley's 'True Words for Brave Men: A Book for Soldiers' and Sailors' Libraries' is a collection of powerful and inspiring essays aimed at the men serving in the military. Kingsley's literary style is straightforward and impactful, filled with patriotic sentiment and moral teachings relevant to the context of the mid-19th century. The book addresses the key challenges faced by soldiers and sailors, offering practical advice and words of encouragement to help them navigate the hardships of war. Kingsley's strong sense of duty and honor shines through in each chapter, making this book a valuable resource for those in service. Charles Kingsley, a respected Anglican clergyman, was deeply committed to social reform and believed in the importance of moral education. His experiences as a chaplain to the military during the Crimean War likely inspired him to write this book, as he sought to provide guidance and support to those serving their country. Kingsley's passion for helping others and his own sense of courage and moral conviction are reflected in the pages of 'True Words for Brave Men'. I highly recommend 'True Words for Brave Men' to readers who are interested in military history, moral philosophy, or the intersection of literature and social activism. Kingsley's timeless wisdom and unwavering spirit make this book a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration and guidance in times of adversity.


Good Press




ca. 212





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