The Fifth String

John Philip Sousa

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Beschreibung zu „The Fifth String“

In John Philip Sousa's novel, 'The Fifth String,' readers are taken on a captivating journey through the world of music and its impact on individuals and society. Through rich descriptions and detailed character development, Sousa explores the power of music in shaping identity and relationships, as well as the societal expectations placed upon musicians. The novel's elegant prose and intricate storytelling draw readers into a bygone era of classical music and musical performances, offering a glimpse into the passions and struggles of musicians at the time. The book is a testament to Sousa's knowledge and appreciation of music as an art form and cultural phenomenon. As the title suggests, 'The Fifth String' delves deep into the complexities of harmony and dissonance, both within music and within the characters' lives. Sousa's lyrical writing style and evocative imagery make this novel a must-read for music enthusiasts and literary fans alike.


Good Press




ca. 65





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