Town and Country Sermons

Charles Kingsley

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Beschreibung zu „Town and Country Sermons“

In Charles Kingsley's 'Town and Country Sermons', readers are treated to a collection of thought-provoking sermons on various topics such as social issues, spirituality, and individual responsibility. Kingsley's prose is eloquent and evocative, drawing on biblical themes while also engaging with the contemporary social issues of his time. The sermons are a reflection of Kingsley's commitment to social reform and his belief in the transformative power of faith. This collection showcases Kingsley's ability to blend literary talent with moral convictions, making it a significant work in Victorian religious literature. As a leading figure in the Christian Socialist movement, Kingsley's sermons resonate with a sense of urgency and compassion, calling upon his readers to live their faith through active engagement with society. 'Town and Country Sermons' is a testament to Kingsley's enduring influence as both a writer and a social reformer, making it a must-read for those interested in the intersection of religion and social justice.


Good Press




ca. 257





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