The Newmarket, Bury, Thetford and Cromer Road

Sport and history on an East Anglian turnpike

Charles G. Harper

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Beschreibung zu „The Newmarket, Bury, Thetford and Cromer Road“

In 'The Newmarket, Bury, Thetford and Cromer Road', Charles G. Harper provides readers with a vivid description of the landscapes and towns along this historic road, focusing on the architectural and natural beauty of the English countryside. Harper's writing style is a delightful blend of travelogue and historical documentation, offering readers a window into the past while also highlighting the charm of the present. This book serves as both a literary work and a valuable resource for those interested in British history and architecture during the time period. Harper's attention to detail and eloquent prose make this book a pleasure to read for anyone with a passion for travel writing or historical literature. Charles G. Harper, known for his numerous works on England's landscapes and historical sites, was inspired to write 'The Newmarket, Bury, Thetford and Cromer Road' by his own travels and explorations of the British countryside. His expertise and deep admiration for the beauty of England's rural areas shine through in this book, making it a must-read for those interested in the country's history and culture. For readers who appreciate descriptive travel writing and insightful historical commentary, 'The Newmarket, Bury, Thetford and Cromer Road' by Charles G. Harper is a captivating and informative read that will transport you to the heart of England's picturesque countryside.


Good Press




ca. 207





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