Cycle Rides Round London

Charles G. Harper

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Beschreibung zu „Cycle Rides Round London“

In 'Cycle Rides Round London' by Charles G. Harper, readers are taken on a literary journey through the bustling streets and serene outskirts of London. Written in a descriptive and engaging style, the book details various scenic cycling routes around the city, providing both historical insights and practical tips for cyclists. Harper's attention to detail and vivid descriptions bring the routes to life, making readers feel as though they are pedaling through London themselves. The book is a unique blend of travelogue, historical account, and practical guide, making it a valuable resource for cyclists and London enthusiasts alike. Charles G. Harper, an avid cyclist and travel writer, drew on his own experiences exploring London by bike to create this informative and entertaining book. His passion for cycling and knowledge of the city shine through in every page, making 'Cycle Rides Round London' a must-read for anyone looking to discover the hidden gems of London on two wheels.


Good Press




ca. 170





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