In the Onyx Lobby

Carolyn Wells

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Beschreibung zu „In the Onyx Lobby“

In Carolyn Wells's novel 'In the Onyx Lobby', readers are transported to a luxurious seaside resort where a murder mystery unravels. The book is written in Wells's signature clever and humorous style, blending elements of murder mystery and romance genres. Set in the early 20th century, the novel provides a fascinating glimpse into the social norms and manners of the time, making it a compelling read for lovers of historical fiction. Wells's attention to detail and intricate plot twists keep readers engaged until the very end. Carolyn Wells, known for her prolific output of mystery novels and humorous poetry, brings her wit and charm to 'In the Onyx Lobby'. Inspired by her love for detective stories, Wells weaves a tale that showcases her keen observational skills and knack for creating memorable characters. Her background in writing and keen interest in the genre shine through in this captivating novel. I highly recommend 'In the Onyx Lobby' to readers who enjoy classic murder mysteries with a touch of romance. Wells's storytelling skills and ability to keep readers guessing make this novel a delightful and engaging read for anyone looking for a riveting mystery set in a bygone era.


Good Press




ca. 185





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