The Poisoned Pen

Arthur B. Reeve

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Beschreibung zu „The Poisoned Pen“

Arthur B. Reeve's 'The Poisoned Pen' is a classic mystery novel that follows the investigative adventures of Professor Craig Kennedy, a brilliant scientist and detective. The book is written in a fast-paced and engaging style, incorporating elements of science and forensics to solve the crime at hand. Set in early 20th century America, Reeve's work is a prime example of the 'Golden Age' of detective fiction. The plot unfolds with intricate details and well-developed characters, keeping the reader on the edge of their seat until the final reveal. Arthur B. Reeve, a former journalist and creator of the 'scientific detective' genre, drew inspiration from the emerging field of forensic science and his own fascination with technology. His background in science and crime reporting lends authenticity to his vivid storytelling and complex plots. Reeve's unique blend of mystery, science, and deduction has cemented his legacy as a pioneer in detective fiction. I highly recommend 'The Poisoned Pen' to fans of classic detective fiction and those interested in the origins of forensic science in literature. Reeve's masterful storytelling and intriguing protagonist make this novel a must-read for anyone seeking a thrilling mystery novel with a scientific edge.


Good Press




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