The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke

C. J. Dennis

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Beschreibung zu „The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke“

C. J. Dennis' 'The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke' is a poignant collection of poems that beautifully capture the Australian vernacular and colloquialisms of the early 20th century. Written in a unique and accessible style, the book follows the romantic escapades of Bill, a lovable larrikin who navigates the complexities of love and relationships. Dennis' use of slang and rhythmical language adds a layer of authenticity to the poems, making them both charming and relatable to readers. The book is considered a classic of Australian literature and provides valuable insights into the working-class culture of the time. The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke is a delightful blend of humor, pathos, and nostalgia that continues to resonate with audiences today. Fans of poetry and Australian literature will appreciate Dennis' skillful storytelling and enduring themes of love and redemption.


Good Press




ca. 47





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