Chaste as Ice, Pure as Snow

A Novel

C. Despard

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Beschreibung zu „Chaste as Ice, Pure as Snow“

In 'Chaste as Ice, Pure as Snow' by C. Despard, the reader is taken on a journey through a stunningly vivid and eloquent portrayal of chaste love amidst a backdrop of betrayal and intrigue. The author's stunning literary style grips the reader from the first page, with beautiful prose and intricate character development that sets this book apart in its genre. Set in a time of political upheaval, the novel explores themes of loyalty, deception, and the enduring power of love. Despard's attention to detail and historical accuracy adds depth and richness to the narrative, making it a compelling read for lovers of historical fiction. This book is sure to leave a lasting impact on the reader, with its raw emotion and captivating storytelling. With 'Chaste as Ice, Pure as Snow', C. Despard cements their place as a masterful storyteller with a unique voice and perspective.


Good Press




ca. 505





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