Betty Wales, B. A

A story for girls

Edith K. Dunton

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Beschreibung zu „Betty Wales, B. A“

In 'Betty Wales, B. A.', Edith K. Dunton explores the challenges faced by young women pursuing higher education in the early 20th century. The novel follows the protagonist, Betty Wales, as she navigates her academic and social life at a women's college, shedding light on the rigid expectations placed on female students during this time period. Dunton's writing style is engaging and insightful, offering a glimpse into the complexities of women's education and societal norms of the era. The novel fits within the tradition of early 20th-century women's literature, addressing themes of independence, self-discovery, and the struggle for equality. Dunton's nuanced portrayal of Betty's journey resonates with readers interested in feminist literature and historical perspectives on women's education. A pioneer in advocating for women's rights, Dunton's personal experiences as a women's college graduate likely informed her writing, adding depth and authenticity to Betty's story. 'Betty Wales, B. A.' is a compelling and thought-provoking read that sheds light on the challenges faced by women in academia and the importance of female empowerment.


Good Press




ca. 177





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